Standing out as a real business takes authenticity, transparency, and exceptional quality.
Dream Big! Why do you want what you want? MINDSET
What's your dream? What is your passion? “
Every one of us is the sum total of his own thoughts.” Earl Nightingale “
The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.”
1. What's your highest priority in this lifetime?
What is your passion? ‘Live your passion’, is a trendy expression that we hear and see a lot in our culture. But how do you live a life you are truly passionate about? How DO you live your dream life? Webster’s dictionary defines passion as a strong love or desire for, or devotion to, an action, object, or concept; an intense, driving, or overpowering feeling or conviction. Asking yourself the simple question, what is your passion, that should make it clear, right? In some cases, the answer is yes, but what if you don’t know? What if life has beaten you up to such an extent that you have forgotten or dismissed what you consider to be your passion? Maybe you find yourself violently restrained by your reality and cannot see how you could possibly live your passion. We are told to live our passion, live our dream life, but never are we told how! When you think about your life, what do you want it to look like? Do you want to live in a nice house with a little garden and have that simple life in the countryside? Or do you see yourself in a high-rise condo living that city vibe while having multiple businesses under your belt? Do you dream of living on an island, or a farm, or a ranch, or maybe in the jungle somewhere in the Amazon Forest? Have you heard yourself say I’d love to do that? That destination is unique to YOU. No matter what it is, figure out what your dream life looks like. Be specific. See it unfold in your mind. Visualize it. Make a vision board. Look for pictures of elements you see in your dream then print them and paste them on your vision board. Colorful images are best because they look more vibrant and real. The goal is to have that dream life picture clearly etched in your mind. Taking the time to pause with these questions of your passion, a path will begin to unfold. Maybe where a lot of us go wrong is believing that our passion can’t make us money, if we remove the monetary gain from our passion and consider it in its purest sense, we may be closer to discovering our true passion.What's most important for you to experience, explore or embrace this time around? Until you answer this question, your life goals will be off purpose. Unaligned with your inner passion, your intentions will lack the power to attract the people and situations necessary to become a reality. When your goals are aligned with your soul, synchronicity kicks in to guide you to your target. Spiritually, synchronicity means that you understand that you are a soul and that you are not alone on your life journey. You have divine guidance (God) available to you at all time
2. Pick a vehicle that will take you to your destination fast.
Next, you gotta have a vehicle to take you to that destination. You can’t just walk there; it will take you years and maybe your whole lifetime! Time is precious and we only have a limited amount of time on this Earth, so use time wisely. A vehicle would get you to your destination faster. You get to choose which vehicle to use. If you just rely on your regular job that pays minimum wages, after taxes and bills and food and other living expenses, that vehicle is just like a bicycle. And you're just cruising along in the maximum speed a bike is capable of. If your dream is just to get by and live paycheck to paycheck then yeah, I guess a bicycle will do the job. But why would you want to just get by? People who just want to get by mostly have a lot of fears holding them back. Aim for a vehicle that is fast like a train, or better yet a jet! It will take you to your dream destination faster than a bicycle ever would.
3. Stock up on fuel. Third, you gotta have fuel. A vehicle is no good without it. The fuel is your drive and your passion and your “why”. Why do you want what you want? When you think of your dream, does it give you goosebumps? Does it excite you or inspire you? Does it give you joy in your heart? It’s as though it feels like you’re meant to do it, or it’s meant to be. When you go through challenges, which you inevitably will, is that fuel strong enough to keep you going? Find out your passion or reason behind your dream. Do you have this intense desire to give your family an awesome life where they don’t have to worry about money ever again? If the desire is intense, that will fuel you all through the whole journey to get you to your destination.
4. Take action. Fourth, you gotta take massive action. You are the architect, the driver, the pilot of your own life. The vehicle won’t run by itself. You have to get behind the wheel and step on that gas pedal and start the journey towards your dream life! You will undergo bumpy roads or turbulence but keep going and put your eye on the prize. You will experience traffic, detours, roadblocks and dead ends, you will have storms in your journey, but you will also have some good weather and smooth times. All of which will be necessary to prepare you to get to where you need to be. Know that God and the universe is backing you up and orchestrating things to work in your favor if you just do your part. Set goals and act on them. Don’t get caught up in the everyday mediocrity of life. You have a purpose. Find it. If you don’t have a purpose, you will be miserable. That is where depression comes in, going through life without a purpose. Start the journey towards living your dream life. Don’t waste the one life you were given. Start living your dream life. Live life as if every day is your last, because one day it will be.
Are your goals your own choice, or what others think you should strive for? Do you want to look back in your old age and wish you had followed your passion? Will you regret having "played it safe?" Is it selfish to go after your own dream? What joy can you give to others if you haven't given it to yourself? NEVER GIVE UP!
I am on a mission with an elite community of highly successful entrepreneurs to help people create and build successful location-independent online businesses.
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